Chess Lessons with Sari

A New York City native relocated to live in a solar-powered cabin in the woods in Tennessee, Sari believes in constantly challenging oneself and growing. She first fell in love after spotting a beautiful board in the Catskills when she was 4 and badgered her Dad to teach her chess. The only problem was, he didn't know how either! After a year, he caved and the two of them spent evenings learning how the pieces moved. Sari became an avid chess competitor, placing top in the country in junior high. She then began teaching at age 13 in New York City public and private schools and over 2 decades later, hasn't stopped teaching yet. While teaching chess and writing about it ultimately overpowered her passion for playing, chess has been a part of her daily life almost every day . Sari was listed on Mommypoppins as "one of the best teachers for beginners." She has extensive experience and love for working with special needs individuals. She predominantly teaches online now. All age groups 5 and up welcome.